Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Passage

Its the bomb, the shit, the good stuff!! Its epic and frightening and exciting all at once, with characters that come to life on the page. If you aren't reading it, you should go and read it now. And if you want a better review from me, then go read my review of it. And if you want to see some cool videos made for the book, that are really cool and creepy, then go here: The window one is my favorite, its got shades of Paranormal Activity to it.

Love his Book, starting to hate HIM.

I'm talking about George R.R. Martin. I know some of you reading this will think, well that's fine Jesse. You like his books, that has nothing to do with him as a person. Of course you see, I'm that kind of guy who wants to like all aspects of a person. If I love an author's books, then I want to think that the person who produces such great art is also a person I'd really like. Unfortunately, the more I read the blog of George R.R. Martin, the more he comes off as a some what cool but over all crotchety stuck in the past old fuck!

I've had problems with some of his stuff in the past. Mainly football. The man is too die hard by far. He displays aspects of his NY football fandom that make me hate Steelers fans. He is happy as a child with a new toy the teams win, and sad like you kicked his puppy when they lose. Maybe its expecting too much, but come on. This is a guy who's made t.v. shows, NY Times best selling novels, gets to go to conventions and shows all over the world. And his world outlook is going to be thrown off track by a few football games. That behavior from this guy has always bothered me. But hey, his books are awesome, so I could let it slide. He supported Obama, and a change in America. So he can be a bit of a sports nut and I'll still like him. But not after his blog post about the Iron Man 2 movie and comic book movies in general. Here is the link:

He had me until he A)referred to the Ang Lee Hulk movie as the BAD Hulk movie (even though he was doing so to talk about bad stuff in the Incredible Hulk movie), and B) said that if you change stuff from the comic books when you make them into movies its a bad idea. Thats it, I'm done.

George R.R. Martin writes ASTOUNDING books. He is now and forever classified in the category of stodgy old cantankerous fucks that I wish would be taken to a special Island so the rest of us who aren't afraid of changing the old and making it new and possibly better, can get on with our lives without there grumblings. The end.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What I did on my vacation

So I went to bed this morning at 5:30am, and was woken up this morning at 9:30am by the maintenance guy coming into our (my roommate and I's) apartment. Now I'm sitting here waiting for it to get warm enough in here so he can come back and do some kind of reading. I don't want to sound like a pussy or anything but I really did want to get more than 4 hours of sleep before work today. Oh well, enough moaning, on to my vacation.

Chief Vacation achievement: I beat Dawn of War: Soulstorm as the mighty Necrons. I don't usually go for the "bad guys" in a PC game especially in any kind of war/strategy game, but cool Egyptian themed skeletal robots that can't die, well who could resist that. So I thought I mite stop playing the game after having actually beat it, but nope...I'm a fool. Now I'm attempting to play it through as the Imperial Guard. We shall see if playing it as this technically complicated race doesn't drive me insane!

Biggest Vacation Goal not achieved: I got the book "The Passage" by Justin Cronin as an advance readers copy before going on my vacation . And I set myself the goal of finishing it by the end of my vacation. That didn't happen. This book by the way, is excellent. Its like World War Z had a baby with I am Legend, and then they both died and the baby was raised by its Godfather The Stand. But there were just a few too many days of not being able to read at all during my vacation. And soon my goal of 90 pages a day fell by the way side. I didn't even get 90 pages read SOME days. At the most it was like 2 days tops. Still, I'm on page 270 of 766 and this book is amazing. I will keep you posted with more. For your own edification go to these two sites the publishers set up to learn more and .

Overall: This was a pretty fun "Staycation". I spent most of my time watching my new Blu-rays (count is up to 4, I'll do a small blog about them this week) hanging out with Dave and Noah, and eating too much food I probably shouldn't eat too much of. I did get to see Iron Man 2, and its freaking awesome! Go see it right now if you haven't seen it yet. I spent most of a day with my Niece and sister, and that's always a good time. I can't believe how cute my niece is, its often times painful to wave good bye to here. And she is having her Birthday soon, turning a whopping 2. Hmm..lets see, not much else happened over my vacation. Oh, I did watch two fairly memorable horror movies. "Grace" the story of a blood drinking infant that was actually surprisingly low key and subtle; and "Human Centipede" that was anything but subtle and yet was disturbingly hilarious in its over the top way. Frankly I recommend checking both films out if you are at all a horror movie fan, they both have something to say. Ok that's it for now. Up coming blogs: Web Comics and why I like them, My Four Blu-rays, and Three Dorky things I watched on Netflix.

Monday, May 17, 2010


So probably some of you know, and others don't, that there is now a dating website specifically for fans of Apple products. I know what you are thinking. "But Barron, what possible problem could you have with a dating site based on the love of the fruit of the apple tree"? And to that I say, no my naive friend, not for the fruit known as apple. No, it is for those who love products made by Steve Job's company Apple.

Now in the past I have thought of Apple/Mac fans as a weird hipster douche cult, but now they are proving me right!! This site was made because these devotees nay...acolytes of Apple are thought to like a lot of the other same things and think very much alike (i.e. exactly alike, since its a total cult of non-personality). I think this site needs to be stopped damnit! Cause if hipster douch qualities really are genetically linked (as I tend to theorize, I believe its a mutation of normal DNA by the high levels of Emo-music and vintage clothing stores in our nation), then I cannot have these people coupling up and possibly solidifying the hipster douche(refered to hence forth as HD) genome's hold in our gene pool. Cause people...that's how it all starts. First the HD genome becomes more and more prevalent, and then got crab people rising up to take over the human race. No one will be able to stop them, cause HD's can't fight back. Apple doesn't make iGuns or iSwords so they wouldn't lower themselves to fight with non-approved weapons. Even if they could bring themselves to use non-Apple technology to fight, they'd be too busy reading Magical Realism fiction and feeling sorry for themselves while listening to HIM or My Chemical Romance.

No, I say we have to stop this right here and now. Who's with me?!

Good...Bad...I'm the guy with the Blog.

Welcome to my blog. I am Barron Ironfury, otherwise known as Jesse. I'll be your blogger for the foreseeable future. I'm going to be blogging about a lot of things. Mostly what ever catches my fancy or ire at the time. I would like to give you at least SOME idea of what to expect though so here are a few things I'm really interested in and will probably make an appearance: comics, movies, GAMES!!!, politics, science, hating the cult of MAC, even more movies, cats, even more GAMES!!, Neil Gaiman, food, reading...etc. The list could go on and on and on.

I will try and keep my reading reviews to a minimum, simply because I've been big into in the past and hope to get back to writing my reviews on there, so hopefully book stuff with stay there. But I can't make any promises, cause I'm like super lazy too. Ok, so enough of my intro blog, I have a rant to post after this, so come back soon for my crazy ranting.

Ironfury OUT!